The Luanda Debating League
Join the NDL’s first championship for Luanda, Angola. Top performing teams will earn a spot in the 2025 Pan-African Debating Championship.
06 to 08 December 2024 at Colégio Angolano de Talatona.
Entry open to students in Grades 6 to 12.
More information will be uploaded soon.
Participants in our Luanda Debating League will participate in a minimum of six debates. Students will debate a diverse range of issues, including international relations, economics, and how we configure our society. Each debate gives students a practical way to learn more about the world around them and develop their mastery of the English language.
The resources on our website will help educators start the debate preparations in their schools. We have also pre-released some of the debate topics, making it possible for students to research and practice for some of their debates.
Some of our debate topics will only be released at the debate tournament. In these situations, teams will have 40 minutes to prepare at the venue. This will give teams a chance to impliment the feedback they have received from adjudicators.
We will host an Orientation Session for teachers and adjudicators on 6 December 2024. This session will help teachers become comfortable with our debate format and how to adjudicate debates.
We host an Orientation Session for students on 7 December 2024. The session will include live examples of several debate concepts. This will ensure that everyone has a common understanding of the debate format.
The adjudicators will deliver feedback to teams at the end of each debate. Teams will use this information to improve their cases and speech delivery.
We will recognize our top performing speakers and teams with trophies, medals, and certificates. Teachers will also receive certificates for adjudicating debates.
Age Divisions and Team Entries
Teams will be assigned to a division based on the grades of the speakers. Team members can be from different grades, and a team can consist of between 3 and 5 debaters. Each time they debate, 3 members will debate.
Schools may enter multiple teams in the competition. To register, the school will need to send us a competed copy of the registration form. There is also a registration fee per student. There are no registration fees for teachers who help us adjudicate debates.
Registration Fee
$75 USD/Student
Download Registration FormWe are able to accept payments through VISA, Mastercard, or SWIFT bank transfers to our South African bank account.
Top performing teams will receive an invitation to compete at the 2025 Pan-African Debating Championship in Cape Town, South Africa.
Learn about the Pan-African Debating Championship