The National Debating League presents...

The Pretoria Schools Debating League

The National Debating League runs structured debating programs for over a hundred schools across Cape Town, Johannesburg, Port Elizabeth, East London, Kimberley, and Benoni. Join us as we bring our growing national program to Pretoria.

Schools may register multiple teams for students in Grades 4 to 12.

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What is a debating league?

Multiple schools in the Pretoria region will compete in a series of local debate tournaments. Each time a team competes, they will field three speakers and a reserve. The team will earn points as the season progresses, earning them a spot in the elimination rounds and ultimately the National Championship.

Orientation Sessions for New Schools

Is debating new to your school? Our Orientation Session will bring your educators and students up to speed. Our tournaments are designed to be supportive environments that encourage growth.

Debate Resources

Regular Competition

No one becomes a good debater overnight. Our format, involving multiple prepared rounds throughout the year, is designed to give your students sustained exposure to competition so that they can become experienced speakers.

A Pathway to National Competition

The top 4 teams per division per debating league in South Africa will be invited to a National Championship in October. Teams will represent their own schools and compete for the title of National Championship.

More about the National Championships

Age Propriate Topics

All motions for our Pretoria League will be released in advance. Our motions, while challenging, have been vetted by teachers in our community to ensure they are age-appropriate and have educational value. For particularly complex motions we will sometimes provide prepared research packs to ensure your students have the necessary background knowledge.

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